At MindOut we are committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation and doing all we can to improve the mental wellbeing of LGBTQ PoC communities.
MindOut’s Trustees, staff and volunteers have been developing an anti-racism work plan over the last 7 months, acknowledging that as a predominantly white organisation we have much to do to understand our role in a racist society, to support the mental health of LGBTQ People of Colour, to become a better employer for LGBTQ PoC colleagues.
We aim to improve:
- Our communications, including a prominent statement of intent on our website home page
- Provision of specific LGBTQ PoC run services, including online sessions, peer support group work and peer mentoring
- Opportunities for LGBTQ PoC co-production and service user participation
- Research into the lived experiences of LGBTQ PoC communities who experience mental health issues
- Staff and volunteer training on white privilege and racism to ensure that we are running safe, inclusive services
- Plans for anti-racism campaigns
- Outreach to PoC community groups to improve access to MindOut support
- Recruitment of LGBTQ PoC staff and volunteers
- Research into LGBTQ PoC mental health needs
- Partnership working to improve the mental health of LGBTQ PoC communities
- Prioritise purchasing from Black-owned businesses, especially LGBTQ Black-owned businesses.
We have achieved (as at December 2020):
- Clear organisational commitment to anti-racism
- Anti-racism is discussed at all Board meetings and at staff and volunteer team meetings
- In January we are starting a new weekly peer support group run by and for LGBTQ PoC
- A regular weekly online session run by and for LGBTQ PoC
- We have contributed to a research study on LGBTQ migrants, refuges and asylum seekers mental health with Bournemouth University
- Run training sessions on white privilege and anti-racist practice for all staff and Trustees and most of our volunteer team
Online Support QTIPOC themed session:
Our Online Support session run by and for QTIPOC (Queer, Trans, Intersex People of Colour) runs every Tuesday between 3 - 5pm.