News & Events
MindOut charity cards now on sale
Buy a card for £3 and Lloyds Bank will double it to £6!! Our supporters at Lloyds Banking Group have kindly designed an eye-catching charity gift card for us. These are now on sale at £3 each. Lloyds...
New Workshop Coming Up: Change and Resilience
A workshop for LGBTQ people to explore their relationship with change, talk about our wellbeing and explore ways to be resilient Monday 5th June 1 – 5pm Central Brighton
Mental Health Issue of Gscene Out Now!
The new issue of Gscene is out now, and this month's theme is mental health. Read here the latest column by Helen Jones, Director of MindOut.
MindOut has been shortlisted for UK Charity Governance Awards 2017
MindOut has been shortlisted for the UK-wide Charity Governance Awards 2017 it was announced today 7th April. It is in the running for the Board Diversity and Inclusivity award and the prize of a £5,000 unrestricted grant. MindOut...
BAME Online Support, every Weds evening from 19th April
MindOut are pleased to announce that starting from 19th April we will offer BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic people's) Online Support, every Wednesday evening 17.30-19.30 These online peer support sessions will be offered by trained, BAME and LGBTQ-identified...
Support Group for Trans* and Non-Binary people with suicidal thoughts
Out of the Blue: Trans* and Non-Binary Starting soon: Out of the Blue: Trans* and Non-Binary is MindOut's new Peer Support Group for Trans* and Non-Binary people with suicidal thoughts. Please contact us for more information: Call...