Suicide Prevention

If you or someone you know is living with suicidal thoughts or experiencing suicidal distress, please do get in touch and talk to us about ways in which we might be able to help.

MindOut's Suicide Prevention Project has responded to the needs of LGBTQ people we see, with 8 in 10 of them talking to us about experiencing suicidal distress now or at some point in their lives, and we are committed to developing suicide prevention strategies and services. Our services include:


If you are feeling suicidal, or know someone who is:


Talking to an advocate about suicidal thoughts and feelings can be helpful.

Our advocate’s will:

  • Listen to how you are feeling, and won’t force any advice or opinions.
  • Respect you and they won’t try to take charge.
  • Treat everything you say in complete confidence
  • Listen without any judgment

Working with an advocate could help you to:

  • Explore ways to stay safe and to find support
  • Help you to prioritise and support you to address practical problems that you might be experiencing
  • Find out information, ask questions and make complaints. An advocate can also represent you if things are feeling too much to cope with.

People living with suicidal thoughts have told us that working with an advocate has helped them to reduce suicidal distress.

“My advocate listened to me, he just got me.  He didn’t make me feel guilty or ashamed about feeling suicidal, probably for the first time ever! He helped me think about what support I needed and how to stay safe.  He is a lifesaver!”

I know I lead a complicated, chaotic life.  I seem to roll from one problem to the next – too many problems to cope with. Thinking about killing myself was the only solution. My advocate helped me to isolate my problems and deal with them one at a time. I’m still dealing with them and I am still suicidal, but the work I do with my advocate gives me hope

To find out more about advocacy or to speak to an advocate:

Tel: 0300 7729855

Email:  [email protected]

Peer support group work

We run a number of support groups throughout the week that are welcoming, supportive and responsive to the needs of LGBTQ people living with suicidal thoughts. More specifically, we run two ongoing weekly peer support groups for people with experience of living with suicidal distress: one is a mixed LGBTQ group, the other is a men's (GBTQ) group.

ootb poster 2018

“Out of the Blue is a lifeline for me.  I really don’t believe that I would still be alive today without the support I get from this group.  It’s the one place in life where I am able to be open about how I feel, without judgement and without the need to explain or apologise for how I sometimes feel”

To find out more about peer support groups:

Tel: 0300 7729855

Email: [email protected]

Online Support

If you are living with suicidal thoughts, our online support service can:

  • Listen to how you are feeling, without any judgement and without forcing unwanted advice or opinions
  • Help you to think about ways to stay safe and develop coping strategies, if this is what you want
  • Help you look for support and explore these options, if this is what you want

Our online support service is an instant chat service that is confidential, non-judgemental and anonymous.  We are open every day including weekends and evenings; see chat bubble for opening times.

We also have weekly online support sessions for:

  • Trans and Non Binary people
  • Young LGBTQ people
  • LGBTQ Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people
  • Advocacy sessions, giving instant access to a member of the MindOut advocacy team

Peer Mentoring

Working with a peer mentor who has a shared experience or identity as you might be really useful, especially if yours and their lived experience is living with suicidal thoughts.   Sometimes talking to someone else about experiences of living with suicidal thoughts can be really helpful if you are looking to explore and learn new ways to cope and manage or are interested in learning about how others stay safe and take care.  If you would like more information about having a Peer mentor who can understand and relate to suicidal feelings that you have, please do get in touch.

To find out more about peer mentoring:

Tel: 0300 7729855

Email:  [email protected]

Suicide Memorial Vigil

MindOut's vigil at the LGBTQ memorial tree in St Ann's Wells Gardens in Hove provides us with an opportunity to remember those we have lost to suicide. This event sees MindOut and friends gather at the tree to mark a minute's silence, to read poems, listen to an LGBTQ choir, share memories and come together to support each other. The tree stands as a living memorial to all those lost to suicide, experiencing suicidal distress or those bereaved by suicide.

To find out more about our next Suicide Memorial Vigil:

Tel: 0300 7729855

Email:  [email protected]

Suicide Awareness Training

MindOut training packages on Responding to Suicidal Distress have been developed with over 18 years of experience delivering support services to people living with suicidal distress.  Our training is bespoke and tailored to the needs of your team, organisation or company.  Our Responding to Suicidal Distress training workshops and courses are co-produced and delivered alongside people with lived experience of suicidal thoughts or distress.

If you would like to talk to us about how to develop skills and services in suicide prevention and learn how to  respond in a safe, supportive way to friends, colleagues, clients or customers; then please do get in touch

For further information about MindOut training packages:

Tel: 0300 7729855

Email: [email protected]

All of our suicide prevention and support services are delivered by experienced group workers, advocates, peer mentors and support workers and who are ASIST trained or managed by a senior mental health worker who is trained in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Support in Brighton & Hove and Sussex

A&E Psychiatric Liaison Team

Support for anyone in a mental health crisis 24/7. Helpline: 01273 696955 ext 4248

Mental Health Rapid Response Service (MHRRS)

Immediate support for people in crisis who are unable to keep themselves safe but do not need immediate medical help. Tel. 0300 304 0078 (24 hrs)

Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Brighton & Hove

Crisis intervention, signposting, listening support and advocacy. A 12-week closed support group is held for anyone with issues around suicide. Tel. 01273 709 060.
Email [email protected]

Sussex Mental Healthline

An out of hours telephone service offering support and information, available to anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of someone else. Available Monday to Friday 5pm to 9am, and 24 hours at weekends and Bank Holidays. Helpline: 0300 5000 101 (24 hrs).

Brighton & Hove Samaritans

Open 24 hours every day, Drop in 10am-10pm every day (near Hove station). Tel. 01273 772 277. Email [email protected]


Confidential, practical advice on suicide prevention for you or a young person you are worried about. Opening hours are 10am-10pm weekdays, 2pm-10pm weekends, and 2pm-5pm Bank Holidays. Tel: 0800 068 4141.

A list of further LGBTQ Specific telephone and online resources for people struggling with suicide:

Other support if you are feeling suicidal may include:

  • Talking to someone you trust
  • Talking to your GP, or in an emergency, going straight to A&E.
  • Contacting Samaritans (116 123) who operate a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer to write down how you’re feeling, or if you’re worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at [email protected]
  • Childline(0800 1111) runs a helpline for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free and the number won’t show up on your phone bill.
  • PAPYRUS (0800 068 41 41) is a voluntary organisation supporting teenagers and young adults who are feeling suicidal.
  • Depression Alliance is a charity for people with depression. It doesn’t have a helpline, but offers a wide range of useful resources and links to other relevant information.
  • Students Against Depression is a website for students who are depressed, have a low mood or are having suicidal thoughts.
  • BullyingUK is a website for both children and adults affected by bullying.


If you, or someone you are supporting, is experiencing suicidal distress, take a look at some of these resources:

Understanding suicide and promoting survival in the LGBT communities

Suicidal Distress

MindOut co-produced this local research, in conjunction with the University of Brighton, about suicidal distress in our communities.

GrassRoots Pocket Guide to Suicide Support

Grassroots Pocket Suicide Resource page 1

Grassroots Pocket Suicide Resource page 2

- LGBTQ guide

- Suicide Risks guide

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