This week’s Queer Mental Health Hero is Simon Lyne, one of our sponsored Brighton Marathon runners who raised an amazing £685 for MindOut. Has Simon inspired you? Then sign up to run the Brighton Marathon 2019 for MindOut here.
We asked Simon about running the marathon and he said, ‘It was gruelling but totally worth it. I’m so glad I did it. It was a challenge I set myself having had a really rough year last year with the end of a long term relationship, several deaths of those close to me, and turning 40. I felt I needed to channel some of those difficulties into something positive. I wanted to raise money for an LGBTQ mental health charity because as a gay man. Growing up filled with shame and feeling that an intrinsic part of me is bad/wrong/disgusting (etc.), I struggled with low self-esteem, anxiety and depression for years. It is really only recently that I can say I completely and unconditionally accept myself. I know how many people identifying as other than the binaries of male and female and not conforming to the norm of heterosexuality will go on to develop serious and chronic mental health issues. It is an honour and gives me pride to support a charity that is doing all it can to combat unnecessary emotional, psychological and social difficulties in the LGBTQ minorities. I really hope that future generations will grow up in a more tolerant world and I believe MindOut is helping create that society.’
You can also help by donating to MindOut here.