Since lockdown, we have been trialling new ways to help our community to connect with each other and have introduced weekly online peer support groups. If you’re feeling lonely, anxious or low, then we can help.
Our peer support sessions help people who have had similar life experiences a chance to come together and offer each other mutual support. Peer support can be a helpful way for people to feel less isolated and also learn new ways of coping during difficult times.
“Peer support is a space in which I feel able to practice caring for others and being vulnerable myself. Doing this as a group of people with shared experiences has been a source of continuity and validation during difficult times.”
We understand that accessing Online Support might feel daunting; our team are happy to help anyone who needs support to use their laptop, computer or phone to get online.
To find out more, call us on 01273 234839 or email [email protected]