Vote for MindOut in the My Favourite Voucher Codes Charity Poll
Support MindOut this June 2017, as we team up with the guys at My Favourite Voucher Codes in their June charity poll
Support MindOut this June 2017, as we team up with the guys at My Favourite Voucher Codes in their June charity poll
From April to July 2017 our supporters fundraised over £10K to support our vital services. We would like to say a massive thank you to all our generous donors and community fundraisers Rotary Club of Brighton Legends Marlborough Pub & Theatre Camelford Arms Charles St Bar The Bedford Tavern Burgess Hill Girls School Aaron … Read more
This year The Rainbow Fund made a short film showing how important the Pride fundraising is.
Looking for ideas? View our handy information pack with recipes and mythbusters about Indian food.
Do you like cooking for friends? Do you like eating food cooked by friends? You are in luck as MindOut is launching a new fundraising initiative that will tantalise your taste buds.
MindOut launch a yearlong fundraising initiative ‘My Costume Drama’