
MindOut is a project run by and for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer people.  Our staff, volunteers and board of trustees, are all LGBTQ. 100% of our team have lived experience of mental health needs, or caring responsibilities for a person with lived experience.

Our board of Trustees meets regularly to oversee the running of the charity. Our trustees have a range of experience and expertise to enable effective management of the organisation. Our trustee board includes current and ex service users of MindOut services, and those who use or have used statutory mental health services and other provision.

If you would like to contact MindOut's trustees, please email [email protected]

Read on for more information about each member of the trustee board.

Black woman with medium black hair wearing a black top and smiling at the camera

Yeme Onoabhagbe

Yeme (she/her) became a Trustee for MindOut in January 2020. Yeme is an experienced events manager who has was worked in the human rights charity sector in numerous roles since graduating with an International Human Rights Law masters from the University of Nottingham in 2017.

Yeme is currently Events Manager at Stonewall, the UK’s leading LGBT charity, where she leads on the project management and logistics for conferences and workplace training, as well as developing their digital events offering. She is co-chair of Stonewall’s BAME/PoC Staff Network. She also supports in a volunteer capacity at Bi Pride UK as Head of Volunteer Management.

In her position as trustee, Yeme is keen to use her experiences to support in ensuring that the trustee board is a diverse and reflective group of the service users that MindOut support. She will aim to advise the organisation in her areas of expertise around race equity, accessibility and digital delivery.

El Savidge

El (they/them) became a Trustee for MindOut in October 2023. El works in executive search for Perrett Laver, specifically on the appointment of individuals to high profile governance roles. Additionally, they chair Perrett Laver's LGBTQ+ Network and lead research for the firm's Governance Apprenticeship Programme designed to create and nurture a pipeline of diverse governance talent to accelerate the rate of change of boardroom demographics.

In their position as trustee, El wants to bring both their professional and lived experience as a neurodiverse, genderqueer individual to the table to help ensure MindOut continues to provide crucial, services to our community. They will advise the organisation on its governance framework, inclusive recruitment practices and wider human resources matters.

Jack Nutley

Jack (he/him) became a Trustee for MindOut in October 2023. He has spent the majority of his career in Human Resources working for large scale retailers and hospitality businesses such as the Hollywood Bowl Group and Tesco.

He has experience both in generalist and specialist people practice, working in HR management and leadership roles across recruitment, training, industrial relations and business partnering. He holds an accreditation of chartered member for the institute of personnel and development and is currently completing a master's degree in Human Resource Management.

In his position of trustee, Jack wants to help guide and shape MindOut's people strategy to ensure it is fit for success both now and in the future. He will advise the organisation on ways to continually improve employee experience whilst also helping navigate complex people matters.

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