
MindOut offers a unique, professional and independent advocacy service run by and for LGBTQ people with lived experience of mental health issues.

MindOut advocacy services are welcoming, affirmative and supportive of all LGBTQ people.

“Without the support from MindOut my life would have spiralled out of control! My advocate has helped me stay on top of things, my life has really changed, he has saved my life!”

An advocate can help you to:

      • Think about how to look after your mental health and wellbeing
      • Express your views and concerns
      • Explore options and make decisions
      • Have your voice heard on issues that are important to you
      • Defend and safeguard your rights
      • Improve your access to services and information
      • Feel more empowered and in control of your life
      • Prioritise any issues, concerns or problems
      • Negotiate with service providers
      • Write letters, fill out forms and make calls
      • Attend meetings and appointments
      • Speak up, be heard or if need be, represent you
      • Make complaints

“My advocate helped me – over and above.  I was listened to and heard and what I was going through was not invalidated”

For more information on our Advocacy service, please see our Advocacy Service Flyer by clicking the image above.

Our advocacy services include:

sussex advocacy partnership logo one red hand one green hand shaking in the shape of an infinity symbol

Our Advocacy services are delivered as part of the Sussex Advocacy Partnership. The Sussex Advocacy Partnership brings together specialist advocacy providers to deliver an integrated advocacy service across Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex. As part of this new partnership, MindOut will continue to provide Trans Advocacy and Community Mental Health Advocacy for LGBTQ people in Brighton & Hove.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy leaflet         Community Advocacy leaflet

“Advocacy helped and went beyond the call of duty! I know I could have asked anything and would have received good advice and support”

Watch our videos to learn more about our Advocacy services:



Trans Advocacy


The MindOut advocacy team are either qualified advocates or are working towards the National Advocacy qualification.

You can contact an LGBTQ Advocate by:

Meet our Advocacy team

Meet our advocacy team, Dawn, Trudi, Phil, Zander on the Who We Are page.

If you are a Service Provider and you would like to refer someone you are working with:

Please download and return either of the two forms below.

To know more about how MindOut conducts Advocacy you can read our

Advocacy Quality Performance Mark


Quality Performance Mark Award Logo

MindOut achieved the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) in December 2020.

The Quality Performance Mark award recognises and promotes good policy and practice with the aim of enabling all people to have their voices heard and live fulfilling, independent lives.

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