Telephone Befriending

MindOut offers a telephone befriending service to LGBTQ people experiencing loneliness and isolation. The service offers ongoing reassurance, listening and emotional support which aims to reduce the stress of loneliness and isolation and increase confidence through social contact. It also helps to develop and maintain connections and support during the Covid 19 Pandemic/lockdown.

"The Befriending Service is a life line for me especially during these challenging times. A friendly voice at the end of the phone almost every week has helped me find the courage to remain engaged with life as a positive" - Befriending Service client

Telephone Befriending matches you with a volunteer Befriender for regular telephone calls at an agreed time each week. All our volunteers identify as LGBTQ and have ‘lived experience’ of mental health which provides the opportunity to share experiences with someone who also identifies as LGBTQ.

"I really appreciate the Telephone Befriending Initiative - knowing that I will speak to at least one other human being once a week has enabled me to have something to look forward to and has helped in keeping me 'anchored'." - Befriending Service client

Our telephone befriending service is confidential, non-judgemental and accessible to LGBTQ people over 18.

"I love the rapport I have built up with my befriender, I feel I can say anything to him. I trust their opinions." - Befriending Service client

We can offer short (1-3 months), medium (3-6 months) and long term (up to 12 months) befriending relationships.

"I am very grateful to Mind Out and my befriender for providing this service, it is a great source of mutual support at this difficult time." - Befriending Service client

If you want a Befriender please fill out our Befriender Form or contact us on 0300 7729855 or at [email protected].

Please click on the image to the right to see our Peer Mentoring and Befriending leaflet.

Meet Trudi, our Befriending Coordinator, on our Who We Are page.

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