MindOut is not a crisis service and most of our services run on an appointment only basis.
If you, or someone you know, is in crisis and you cannot access support from mental health services or your GP, you can go (or direct the person you know) to the A&E department at the Royal County hospital. You can ask A&E for an emergency mental health referral.
You may find the following services useful:
Emergency Duty Service Helpline: 01273 295555 Opening hours: 5.00pm – 8.30am Monday – Thursday (nightly), 4.30pm Friday – 8.30am Monday (inclusive), 24 hours – Bank Holidays.The Emergency Duty Service is a service offered by Brighton and Hove City Council Social Services for em
Mind Mind provides information on a range of topics including types of mental distress, where to get help, drug and alternative treatments and advocacy. Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393
NHS Direct Helpline: 111 Opening hours: 24hours. National nurse led helpline providing medical advice. The NHS Direct website has useful pages containing information about all aspects of health. They operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and should be able
Rethink Practical advice & information about issues such as; therapy and medication, benefit, debt, money issues, rights under the Mental Health Act. Phone 0207 840 318 Monday to Friday, 10am – 1pm cost of a local call. Not open Bank Holidays.
Royal Sussex County Hospital Accident & Emergency department at the Royal County hospital. You can ask A&E for an emergency mental health referral. Address: Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE, Phone: 01273 696955
Samaritans The Samaritans provide 24hr, confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis, phone 08457 90 90 90. You can also visit the local branch in Hove (Dubarry House Newton Road Hove, BN3 6AE) open every day between 10am and 10pm.
Sussex Mental Healthline A dedicated and trained team of 14 operators are available to take calls from patients, carers, family members, GPs, NHS professionals and anyone else in Sussex who has questions or concerns about a mental health related issue. Phone: 0300 5000 101